Friday, July 14, 2006

Mercy and Truth have met together;
Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other.
Now is the Hour of Darkness come,
And Jesus waits to hear his Doom;
The Roman speaks, the Jews reply,
"His Blood be on us, let him die."

Death and Despair, what do I see?
The Lamb of God hang on a Tree!
With rusty Nails his Body tore,
And bloody Sweat from ev'ry Pore
Runs plentious down.

Hark! how he groans! his bitter Cries
The Rocks have split; but see! he dies!

Now is the Hour of Darkness past,
Christ has assum'd his reigning Pow'r;
Behold the great Accuser cast
Down from the Skies to rise no more.

Old Adam the First, excited by Lust,
And Eve the Seducer entailed the Curse;
But Adam the Second, our Saviour and King,
Has made the Atonement and freed us from Sin.

[William Billings as cited in: Mark Dever, Promises Kept: The Message of the New Testament (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2005), 158-159].

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