The workshops are now online.
Two of the workshops are available in video (as well as audio):
- C. J. Mahaney, "The Pastor’s Charge"
- Joshua Harris, "Ministering in a Church-Hopping Society"
- Thabiti Anyabwile, "The Decline of African-American Theology"
- Buster Brown, "Preaching in a Christianized Culture"
- Steven Chin, "Working Faithfully Under a Senior Pastor"
- Graham Cole, "Homosexuality and the Bible: Texts, Hermeneutics, and Pastoral Wisdom"
- K. Edward Copeland and Charlie Dates, "Mentoring Younger Pastors"
- Andy Davis, "The Gospel and Social Action"
- Joshua Harris, "Ministering in a Church-Hopping Society"
- David Helm, "Biblical Reflections on Building a Staff"
- Bill Kynes, "Complementarianism: Definition and Priorities"
- Crawford Loritts, "Staying Faithful, Staying Relevant: The Use and Abuse of Polemical Preaching"
- Tom Nelson and Matt Perman, "The Gospel and Money"
- Colin Smith, "Transformational Expository Preaching"
- Stephen Um, "On Ministry and Revolving Doors: Practical Challenges and Ideas for Ministry in a Mobile Society"
- Sandy Willson, "Gospel Mission to the World: Arrogance or Love?"
- Michael Bullmore, "The Functional Centrality of the Gospel"
- Tim Savage, "Power in Weakness: The Heart of Gospel Ministry"
- Scotty Smith, "A Biblical Theology of Worship: On Preference and Other Matters"